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It’s time to wake up and wise up to the

power of our own breath!


Every day we ask each other ‘how are you doing?’, and we know the acceptable answer we expect to give and receive is ‘I’m fine’. Behind this response is likely to be a very different reality that feels far less than fine, possibly ’I’m exhausted, overburdened, stressed, anxious, feeling flat, lacking direction, struggling…’.

Occasionally, we might dig a little deeper and ask, ‘how are you doing job-wise? or relationship-wise? or even health-wise?’

But perhaps the only question we need to ask each other and ourselves is ‘how are you doing breath-wise?’


Simply, the quality of our breath reflects the quality of our life, in other words, how we are breathing is an accurate indication of how we are doing.

The human body is amazing and smart but our minds less so! Unfortunately, as we’ve evolved along with the crazy pace of modern life, we’ve stopped listening and trusting our own body and instead have put our minds in control.  A big casualty of this approach has been the quality of our breath.  To cope with the pace and stresses of day-to-day life, traumas and painful emotions experienced, we’ve learnt to limit or control our breathing in an attempt to manage challenging situations and suppress unbearable hurt, grief and shame. The body is equipped with an effective ‘fight or flight’ response for those imminent life-threatening situations, but unfortunately, our minds now see danger everywhere, and our body responds accordingly.

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The outcome of limiting each breath is that we are limiting the quality of our lives.

Maybe you’re not aware this has happened, or maybe you’ve just resigned yourself to a dull-downed existence, feeling like you’re sleep walking through life, or have lost hope and let go of the belief that you can fulfil your potential or dreams.  

If this resonates with you, just take a moment to stop, breathe and believe that so much more is possible.

The answer isn’t ‘out there’ but ‘within’.

Breathwork is the always available self-care tool which, when used consciously and incorporated as part of a daily practice, can give us the control we all seek to create a joyful life without limits.

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